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Showing posts from November, 2015

Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies - crispy on the outside & chewy on the inside

I love oatmeal. For me, nothing says "good morning" like a warm bowl of creamy oatmeal. And many of us know that oats is beneficial in numerous ways if we include it in our diet everyday.  I've always tried to include oats in our it in dosas and idlis or in breads and cookies too. Mr. Peter and Miss J enjoys it all, but our little man is not so easy to please.  Oatmeal cookies are one of the classic cookies made and eaten all over the world. And it tastes awesome when there are raisins in them. But....if you're not fond of raisins, you could replace it with some chocolate chips. I love the wonderful cinnamony aroma that fills my home when these goodies are baked.  A popular theory for the origin of oatmeal raisin cookies is that they descended from Scottish/British oat cakes. In war times, soldiers would carry oat cakes to battle with them for boosts of energy during battle. The first recipe for these goodies was written by Fannie Merritt Far...

A Happy "Smiley" Birthday Cake

Sometimes I'm in a mood for some cleaning up. I know, it sounds crazy.....c'mon, I don't think anyone likes to do it. But, honestly.... once in a while..... I do get into the mood to clear away all the clutters and make room for some new things. So, it would be our wardrobes one time or another time it would be my kitchen. It's always a starting trouble....but when I do get it started...I go on a cleaning spree....and thankfully, Mr. Peter doesn't come in my way. And at the end of it.....when everything is done I feel so glad and content. So why am I speaking of my little madness here??? Well I had to clean up stuff from my computer, the other day.  With so much data stored up....the processor was slowing down.....all gizmo stuff! It was getting hard to work on it. So had put my mind to sort out a lot of things and organise and backup all of the erase the unnecessary and save the needed ones. And while in that process, l spotted some old snaps ...